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This is me: 

Brynne Peak.

The girl on fire to dive into the culture and community of fashion; create the image and aesthetic of a clothing line that makes add to cart our only option; and leave an imprint on customers' minds that make them feel apart of our designs. 

Welcome to the perfect place to get to know me.

  I am working on my third year at Utah State University majoring in public relations and journalism with a minor in hospitality and tourism. I aspire to be a fashion marketer and creative director for a clothing brand, PR & marketing specialist, event planner, travel agent and publicist all within my life. I have big dreams and the drive to achieve them. I believe there is no end to learning, so we should all be striving to reach any and all of our goals. 

  When I see magazine designs, flat lays posted on Instagram and mesmerizing images of new clothing lines, my heart grows 10 sizes. When I see these things, it feels right to analyze the brand, voice and identity they have created. It feels like finding the matching puzzle piece I've been searching for for hours. I want to learn the ins and outs of producing those ideas and collaborating with all creative positions to bring a story to life. 


  Because I am always working on being well-rounded, I can effectively communicate with all the lovely and unique personality types. I have a determination that can last five lifetimes and the organizational skills to keep all my passions in order. I can produce ideas and results that make all the hard work worth it. I am all business, but I know how to make the countless hours of work joy-filled and lighthearted. When you love your destined path as much as I do, work days are seen as an exciting new day to challenge yourself to think outside of the box all while smiling ear to ear.

  Fashion is your voice that you get to wear. There is so much value in everyone's unique eye of what makes their style them, so by being a creative director & stylist I get to elevate those qualities to make people feel seen, which is what we all want in life right?


  My heart is beating rapidly as I type these words out because this path I want to take in life is fun and adventurous, which is how work should be. Let's work together and make a difference. 

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